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Checking In

Anyone who’s not been in a coma for the past couple of years undoubtedly has been swept up in the “green” wave circling the globe.

Who’s the guy or gal who thought up the term “green?” Brilliant marketing, whoever it was.

If you think about it, the term has pretty much been embraced by all hues of the political spectrum. Not too long ago, the word “environmental” was a loaded term in many circles—too much baggage to affect real change.

Was the genius who launched the green phenomenon on to something? Maybe if we change “peace” to “blue” or “the elimination of poverty” to “orange” we can solve the world’s other acute maladies.

Okay, I’m off the soapbox now. Check out Associate Editor—and resident “green expert”—Marlene Goldman’s story about green hip hotels. Following up that is a guest column by Nancy J. Wilson, principal of Portland, Ore.-based green meetings leader Meetings Strategies Worldwide, who serves up a healing helping of substainable food and beverage fare.

Indeed, it seems tap water is the new “black”.