With the economy looking like something the cat dragged in, now is the time to focus on what you bring to the table.
While the tried-and-true advice of working harder, longer and more efficiently certainly applies, workers can hardly be blamed for feeling uneasy in these stressful times. But as the saying goes, “Tough times don’t last, tough people do.”
Our featured story, “Weathering the Storm,” gives some very practical advice for hanging tough when the chips are down, such as streamlining, seeking out educational opportunities, demonstrating ROI and networking.
Also included with this issue is the first print supplement of our annual Meetings Market Trends Survey, which provides planner feedback on a variety of critical trends, along with what has become our yearly tradition of checking in with Jan Freitag from Smith Travel Research to gauge where the hotel industry may be headed.
On a final note, make sure to check out MeetingsFocus.com after the middle of the month—you may be in for a pleasant surprise!