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This Month On

Let’s say you’ve just been told to plan a meeting for 250 in Milwaukee? Just about everything you need to get started is located a few clicks away on

Here’s one way to do it:

  1. Once on, click on the "Facilities" link within the navigation bar.
  2. Next, click on the "Profiles" sub-navigation menu item.
  3. Go to the "MidAmerica" hyperlink under "Regions."
  4. In the first drop-down menu, select "Wisconsin."
  5. After this, access the second drop-down menu and select "Milwaukee Area."
  6. Now, use the third drop-down to sort by "Total Rooms."

CVBs will always appear at the top, for quick reference. The actual facilities will sort in descending order according to the parameter you requested.

From here you can click on either the name of the facility or the "Learn More" link to get additional information.

Quick Tip: Refer to the Facility Profile Legend to determine what listings have additional information, such as photos and room diagrams.

And make sure to read our comprehensive story on the Milwaukee area, "One in a Million Milwaukee," in the June issue—or check out our "Take Us Along!" feature in the October MidAmerica issue—by doing a magazine search for Meetings MidAmerica.

Happy hunting!