Let it not be said that Jim Spellos is not a generous man. Besides answering 16 of your questions below, Mr. Spellos also provided us with two documents to share: “99 Web Sites Every Business Professional Must Know About” and “Twitter-ific.” For more, check out Jim’s website at www.meeting-u.com. 1. What is the difference between Delicious and posting things on Twitter? Delicious is a bookmarking service (social in nature). Your home page becomes a large listing of the articles you’ve saved. Twitter is more of a communications tool, primarily of a one-to-many nature. You don’t have a dialogue on Delicious, you post sites. 2. Did I miss a definition of tagging? Identifying a picture by its content (people, places, etc.). 3. I don't understand what the term “cloud” means? Can you clarify it? The cloud is essentially where files are stored online, rather than on your computer. Google Docs is a good example of a cloud computing function, as all the files saved are secure, yet accessible online. 4. Is there a way to get a Delicious account without getting a Yahoo address? Since Yahoo bought Delicious a few years ago, that’s the ID requested. I don’t think that it’s a bad idea having both a Yahoo! and Gmail account, btw. 5. As a business, how do I direct my clients to my delicious links? You can either give them the URL (www.delicious.com/username), or, since it works via RSS, they can subscribe to your feed and get the information in their RSS reader (such as iGoogle). 6. These seem like fads; too many different tools all with non-overlapping content. If we wait long enough, won’t they just go away? Maybe (though I don’t believe so). But are you willing to take the chance of not connecting with many of your clients and customers until it blows away? . 7. By moving to phone or Web networking, aren't we leaving a whole lot of people behind? The challenge of change (all types of change) is just that. In fact, we probably have a greater gap in the generations now than we’ve ever had. It’s all about the haves (those who “get” and use the technology) and the have-nots (those who don’t). And that’s not a good thing.! 8. Can other people post on your Delicious page? No, they can only post on their own page. However, when two people bookmark the same webpage, then you can see their name (and link to their bookmarks) from your page. 9. Can Twitter accounts be linked into Delicious.com? Is it redundant to work with both Delicious.com and Twitter? I already use Twitter and share articles. As far as I know, the two cannot be linked together. I don’t believe that they are redundant, btw. While I share articles on Twitter, other communications occur in Twitter. Your delicious home page is more linear (just the articles). 10. How is Google Wave different than Google Buzz? Wave is a collaborative e-mail tool. Buzz is more of an integration of all of your social media inside of your gmail account. Wave is much more likely to be a seismic change than Buzz. Bonus Questions! 11. Is there any training available on how to social bookmark? I like the look of this media but don't actually know how to bookmark. Check out this site and video from CommonCraft, which offers an overview of the subject: www.commoncraft.com/bookmarking-plain-english. 12. Aren't the status lines in Google Buzz and Yahoo's new offering a "me too" after Twitter and Facebook? How many places should I really have to update my status? Isn't this more fragmentation? Who do you think the victor will be? Ah, if I only knew who the victor would be…Indeed, Buzz is trying to follow in the success of the other social media. There are plenty of ways, btw, to update your status in multiple social media sites at one time. Check out Ping.fm or, within Facebook, do a search for Selective Twitter Status. Both can accomplish this. 13. Is there a social bookmarking site used specifically for managing blog subscriptions?? No, but the best way to manage your blog subscriptions is through an RSS Reader. I use iGoogle, as well as Google Reader (two separate tools, which can be used together), to manage my blog and all of my RSS feeds (all blogs have RSS feeds). 14. If you are only going to use one or two social Net tools, which are the most important/useful? Do you recommend any specific blog provider or providers? As I said in the webinar, for me, Twitter is the most valuable. However, I don’t believe that should be taken as a general statement. For some people, it could be blogs, Facebook, LinkedIn. As for specific blog providers, Typepad and Wordpress are two of the better known services. Typepad is a paid service, while Wordpress is free. Both are excellent. 15. Can you explain how blogs impact Google analytics? Does it factor in only when housed on a company website or does it also work if using blog sites like Blogger or Wordpress? Google Analytics works with many major blog services, as well as with websites. Blogs can have enormous impact on Web traffic and analytics, especially when many people subscribe to and comment on the blogs 16. Where can we find sample business policies on the use of social media? I'm not locating anything on socialmediabiz.com. It’s listed in the case studies, but to make it easier, check out this site from the site Social Media Governance: http://socialmediagovernance.com/policies.php. |
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