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Five Takeaways: Corporate Social Responsibility: "Good Business Practices"

  1. Corporate Social Responsibility requires an organization to: Be less bad (negative impact) and Do more good (positive impact).

  2. The general public cares most about how companies treat employees, followed by its impact on the community and then followed by its impact on the environment.

  3. Sustainability must be approached as a two-step process: 1.) Reduce waste and Reuse whenever possible (to save money); 2.) Recycle all waste and Replace non-sustainable product or service ingredients with renewable or organic materials (to re-invest saved money).

  4. The best way to create a movement at work, for either community service or sustainability, is to first identify all people that have a passion for the project. Then, network them together and focus them on reachable goals

  5. Talk the walk, once you've made progress. Don't keep your CSR efforts a big secret, because your end-user/customer needs to know that his or her business with you is making a difference. Think of your messaging as a service that gives them purpose and meaning.