Corporate Social Responsibility
Responsibility Revolution
by Marlene Goldman
When Odyssey Teams created Habitat for Hounds about a decade ago, CSR (corporate social responsibility) was barely a blip on the corporate radar screen. Fashioned as a spinoff of Habitat for Humanity, meeting attendees built dog houses and auctioned them off, with proceeds going to a local SPCA.
The activity drew rave reviews from attendees as both a training simulation and way to benefit the local community.
"About 10 years ago, we realized activities and simulations were great at highlighting and drawing out behaviors of teams and leadership," says Bill John, president and CEO of Odyssey Teams, founded in 1991 and based in Chico, Calif.
But up to that point, according to John, many of its team-building activities were hypothetical in nature and left nothing tangible to show for the efforts of the attendees.
"We said if what we built had some meaning to the community, it would have more leverage as a leadership and teaming experience," he says.