1. Can you give more examples of types of CSR programs?
I gave you a bonus one during the presentation and feel free to email me if you need.
2. What are some key steps in creating a CSR component in a client event?
See the CAUSE slide for the 5 key steps to design your CSR component.
3. Do you have any measurements on if CSR increases attendance at meeting or how much of a factor it plays in the decision to attend?
No tangible attendance data, but CSR is certainly a trend that won’t be going away anytime soon. MPI found that 80 percent of industry professionals say customer expectations for CSR will increase in the future, according to a global research study. More than three-quarters of respondents like buying from ethically responsible organizations, and the majority are willing to pay more to buy products from a company that is socially responsible.
4. Did the artists donate the glass centerpieces or did the meeting group have to buy them?
The artists donated them, so 100 percent of the proceeds went back to the organization. The artists were the students of the Hilltop Artists program.
5. I recently read an article that reported that in some locations where child poverty is rampant, children are kept in orphanages and in impoverished states even though they have parents and homes because the international charities and thus CSR events prefer to see that scenario and not impoverished homes. How can we help to avoid exploitation through good intentions?
This is a deep question. For instance, with some Build-A-Bike programs, you get to give the bikes to the kids. While most love it, some participants feel manipulated by this gesture and wonder if the kids feel exploited. My personal guideline is to look for authenticity, look for programs and speakers who are truly passionate about what they do and connect in a way that is not manipulating.
6. We have a sales meeting for over 5,000 participants. We wanted to do a CSR program this year, however, due to the number of participants and the cost per participant we could not accomplish this. Our goal for this is two-fold: 1. Give back to the community; 2. Build teamwork. We reached out to American Red Cross to help get ideas...but as I said earlier, there was a high cost per person to work with them. Do you have any suggestions or someone we could talk to about doing a large CSR for our future sales meetings? Our event it in Orlando...and we would like to have all our attendees help out with a good cause for about two hours. Would this clean the world program be able to assist?
Clean The World could easily do a site tour or help organize an activity to put together kits. If you're looking for true team-building value, then I highly suggest you partner with a team building partner who will match your goals with your program. Of course, we'd be always willing to help you out!
7. What are some easy ways to incorporate CSR into existing meeting and travel policies?
If you have a large organization, the No. 1 creator of carbon dioxide is jet planes, so if you tracked the number of miles flown and maybe types of planes, you could show a reduction in the number of miles travelled through city and other choices and translate that into carbon savings. Also, it could be the number of miles flown per person if you're a growing company. In addition, your choice of carriers can make a difference. I'm an Alaska Airlines Gold member and the little upturned winglets on the plane save 3 percent to 5 percent of the fuel. Also, Alaska is getting new flight approaches approved that allow them to 'glide' in and use less fuel than before. Finally, they selected Q400's for their prop planes because of how fuel efficient they are.
8. How are CSR programs marketed to conference attendees? Website, program guide, etc.?
CSR programs are marketing by website, program guide, e-mail, social media and more. The key is to get them at registration AND incorporate it into MORE than just the pre-con. Again, if it was in your celebration night as a station or organized activity, there is potential there. A breakout to assemble items as a teamwork learning lesson is also a cool idea. (I’ll submit that proposal for next year!)
9. I don’t understand what the race has to do with CSR?
The race was designed for their networking and tea- building goals and then the CSR station was added as an element to further enhance that.