From art workshops to cheese-making, there are numerous ways for groups to get in on the action in New England. Following are three unique options.
Founded in 1950 by a group of craft artists near Haystack Mountain in Montville, Maine, Haystack Mountain School of Crafts, which relocated to its present home on Deer Isle (off the coast from Bangor) in 1961, is recognized internationally as a leader in craft education. For planners working with individuals or small groups, Haystack’s studio-based workshops in clay, glass, metal, paper, blacksmithing, weaving, woodworking and other craft media offer an exceptional learning opportunity. Applications are required for the summer sessions, with residency available. Other summer and fall programs include an annual conference, performances, tours, symposia and lectures.
In 1876, a group of outdoor enthusiasts founded the Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) in Boston. In 2003, AMC opened its Highland Center at Crawford Notch, an outdoor program and education facility acclaimed for its green architectural design. Located in the White Mountains of New Hampshire, the meetings-capable center offers a diverse curriculum of clinics, workshops, presentations and excursions for learning about and appreciating the great outdoors. Set amid the highest peaks in the Northeast, these interpretative programs showcase some of Mother Nature’s finest works.
When collaborative artists Adam Ames and Andrew Bordwin wanted inspiration for their Team Building sculptural installation at the Indianapolis Museum of Fine Art in 2006, they engaged Brattleboro, Vt.-based High 5 Adventure Learning Center to help them gain and then translate the emotional experience of adventuring into their piece. Focused on the educational market but with a diverse clientele including the Boston Bruins, Jim Grout, director and co-founder, and his team are a ready resource for customized creative interactions such as team cheese-making in historic Grafton, Vt.