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ALHI Debuts Lux Meeting Facilities Guide


Associated Luxury Hotels International (ALHI) has just published its new “2014 ALHI Global Sales Guide To Meeting Facilities,” a meeting planners resource guide from which to identify Four- and Five-Diamond quality hotels, resorts, and venues of distinction from around the world which are specifically designed and operated for meetings, incentive/recognition programs, conventions, and exhibitions.

Meeting planners, association executives, and incentive/recognition specialists can contact ALHI for a free copy of the guide.

Featuring extensive photography, the guide provides easy-to-find “at a glance” descriptions, overviews, and critical facts about ALHI’s 160+ Four- and Five-Diamond quality hotels, resorts, and venues around the world. This includes information about the property’s accommodations, meeting facilities, recreation, dining, unique attributes, and accessibility. The guide presents ALHI’s distinctive worldwide portfolio of extraordinary meeting, convention, and incentive resorts on land and sea, incomparable city hotels, exclusive smaller hotels, golf resorts, historic and landmark properties, island destinations, resorts with spas, properties in international destinations, and hotels with gaming and entertainment.

Established in 1986, ALHI is the dues-based Global Sales Organization (GSO) which is dedicated exclusively and authorized specifically by the more than 160 Four- and Five-Diamond quality Member hotels and resorts on land and sea that it serves. Most of the Member hotels and resorts are independently owned or operated, or are part of emerging brands to the North American marketplace, with all in the upper-upper tier and luxury level. There is no cost to planners’ organizations to utilize the GSO services, expertise, and account advocacy of ALHI, as its members’ dues fund the Global Sales Organization to serve planners with local professionals.

For even easier navigations, the guide also features a section on ALHI’s 12 distinctive Specialty Segments to make it easy for planners to identify properties that will suit their programs’ unique desires and specific needs.

For more information about ALHI, to inquire about a future meeting at any of the ALHI member properties, or to acquire a free copy of the new “2014 ALHI Global Sales Guide To Meeting Facilities,” visit