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Expert voices provide SMERF event tips

The SMERF events market, standing for Social, Military, Educational, Religious and Fraternal, covers a healthy chunk of the meetings industry. And while the groups that fall into this sector are diverse and deeply varied, there are also common bonds to hosting a successful SMERF function.

Partnering Possibilities
Lisa Williams, sales director for Westgate River Ranch in River Ranch, Fla., offers this key piece of wisdom:

“For SMERF meetings, we find that many planners aren’t aware that the host property can be a strong marketing partner to help get attendees to their event. During the planning process, planners should inquire about how venues can assist them in marketing to their members. They should find out what resources the property can provide to support their efforts, including photography, online options and direct mail. Then they need to utilize those resources to attract the most attendees possible.”

The dude ranch-style property hosts numerous SMERF groups and is located about 100 miles due south of Orlando.

The Voice of Experience
Cassie Brown, chief experience officer for TCG Events in Charlotte, provides four fast suggestions for better SMERFing.
Firstly, mailed invitations vs. electronic are still appreciated, but sending an electronic version through a website like provides the planner deeper analytics than just who RSVP’d. 

Next, budget drives most decisions on social events. Every line item counts. Spend the money on guest experiences versus expensive centerpieces or items for “gift bags.”

Thirdly, plan with the guest in mind. Many social events are designed to make the host/hostess happy with very little regard for the guest experience. There is a way to have both, Brown says.

Finally, when searching for venue space, consider ADA provisions. Most social events are multigenerational, and historic sites without ramps or elevators are a problem for people in wheelchairs. Outdoor spaces can be problematic for those using walkers/canes. 

Grand Ideas
The Arizona Grand Resort & Spa in Phoenix is a massive meetings mecca boasting 120,000 square feet of overall event space and is host to plenty of SMERFing affairs. Marketing Manager Emily Dille gathered up insights from the property’s events team and these were some of the top takeaways:

Be flexible and creative. SMERF groups will receive the best rates when they are able to fill dates that fall in between corporate business. With corporate business usually meeting Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, and checking out on Wednesday, and then again on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (checking out on Saturday), SMERF groups should try to schedule their programs for Saturday and Sunday to find the best availability.

Be open to meet over holidays, and utilize minimum space; re-use general session space for breakouts; reduce the amount of breakouts; and set theater-style to reduce the amount of space needed.

With F&B, keep as many functions hosted by the resort as possible. If the group doesn’t have a big budget, they should be prepared to pay meeting room rental to off-set. Hotels don’t expect SMERF groups to provide the same F&B revenue as corporate groups, hence the reason there are special SMERF banquet menus, and all business is evaluated accordingly.

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About the author
Zachary Chouteau