Going Green columnist Nancy J. Zavada recently co-authored Meet Better, which lists 167 easy tips that will help planners make their meetings more sustainable.
Following are some key takeaways from the compendium of pointers that will get you on the road to sustainability. Look at this space in the future for more green meetings tips!
❨33❩ Location, location, location: Select meeting venues in close proximity to hotels to encourage walking. Participants will save money on cabs and will visit shops, restaurants and nightlife in the local area.
❨105❩ Give back: Include a community service project as part of your event in order to give back to the local community. This promotes teambuilding and networking as well. Quick hint: Choose a project that leverages the talents of your participants.
❨114❩ Cut printing costs: Invite participants to opt-in on the registration form to receive a printed program, bag or lanyard. This way it is easy to order correctly and save money on these items.