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Deb Gee's Tips to Start Your Day on a High Note

Deb Gee of Lululemon lives and breathes wellness through a healthy, mindful approach to work-life balance. Her biggest inspiration is participating in life, whether that means getting out in nature, exploring the city or attending a great conference.

Gee's favorite aspect of her career is the wonderful people she works with, and she’s a regular practitioner of meditation and yoga, Bikram being her top choice.

“I love the discipline,” she said.

We asked this ever-positive experience designer how she begins the morning to set herself up for a productive, meaningful day and how fellow planners can do the same.

(1) Unplug. I like to start my day by staying unplugged for the first hour. I don’t pick up my phone, I don’t log in to social media, and I treat myself to an incredible cup of green tea.

(2) Breathe and connect with nature. I go out for a brisk walk and just breathe. I breathe and begin to walk through the steps of my event.

(3) Visualize positive outcomes. Instead of worrying about what could go wrong, I focus on the event already going right so I’m premeditating a really positive outcome and behaving as though the event has already gone off as a huge success.

[Read This Next: Lululemon's Deb Gee Shares Wellness Event Tips for Spring]