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Healthy Tips for Busy Planners

No, you can’t do everything, but please, choose a few! We get one life and one body to live it in, full stop! As awesome as events are, as fabulous as our experiences can be and how glorious the (global) travel is, it can be tough on a person and those who love them. Here are three ways to stay well.  

1. Say no. Not to everything but to extraneous asks and tasks that won’t have a net positive impact on your work or life.

2. Keep healthy snacks on hand—in your car, backpack, purse, desk and especially in your on-site office during events. Consider nuts, yogurt (yes, this requires a fridge), light-sugar bars and dried seaweed—a perfect source of micro-nutrient iodine, which is great for stabilizing your metabolism. The choice is yours.

3. Consider a walking meeting with a colleague or a client. Bonus: It’s very effective for generating new ideas as you change up your view!

Author Bio

Tahira Endean is passionate about designing people-centric, purpose-driven, impactful events. Endean’s new book, Intentional Event Design: Our Professional Opportunity, is a comprehensive deep dive into future-forward events, from sustainability to technology to security and beyond. She dedicated 14 pages of the book to wellness for the participant and the planner team.

“It is something I feel is critical as we move forward as an industry,” Endean said.

Visit to order a copy.

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About the author
Tahira Endean