LinkedIn has become the go-to social media platform for B2B professionals, including those in our meetings and events industry.
The platform saw exponential growth in both users and content creation during the pandemic years, so now more than ever, professionals and businesses are leaning on the platform to deepen relationships and create a know, like and trust factor with their LinkedIn communities.
[Related: 10 Tips for Boosting Your LinkedIn Profile]
This stat from Omnicore Agency really shakes me up: A total of 73% of buyers are more likely to consider a product or service if someone from the organization reached out to them via LinkedIn.
For meeting planners, this stat could impact delegate attendance, sponsorship revenue, exhibitor numbers and partner relationships. The great news is, it doesn’t take much on LinkedIn to cultivate and strengthen those relationships, leading to growth in both your business and personal brand.
The New Year is a great time to ingrain new habits, so consider these five ways to develop a new—and profitable—LinkedIn habit in 2023.
1. Find Some Thought Leaders to Follow
LinkedIn is a treasure trove of thought leadership, and a great way to start creating your own thought leadership content is to consume content created by others. Take some time each week to scroll your home feed, find some industry people you respect and follow them.
Pro Tip: Layer this weekly habit with your Hump Day lunch break, enjoy your reading! Level Up: Click on their notifications bell to be notified of new content.
2. Join a LinkedIn Group
Is curating a great home feed taking some time? Find industry-relevant content and conversations inside a LinkedIn group. There are dozens of notable and busy LinkedIn groups whose content will continually spark your creativity.
Pro Tip: Layer your group content consumption with your Thursday afternoon coffee break so you don’t miss the latest #questionforgroup. Level Up: Start a conversation within the group using the #questionforgroup hashtag.
3. Update Your Profile Every Quarter
As your skills and responsibilities change, take time to update your profile each quarter to reflect your most up-to-date presence.
Pro Tip: Layer this habit with reviewing your quarterly goals so you don’t forget to check in! Level Up: Add some new skills to your profile.
[Related: More Meetings Today Checklists]
4. Extend LinkedIn Invitations to People in Your IRL (In Real Life) Network
Attending an upcoming conference or hosting your own event? Met new suppliers and partners at a networking reception? Invite them to join your LinkedIn network by sending a personalized note of connection.
Pro Tip: Layer this with putting the event in your calendar or with your networking follow up. Level Up: Update your profile’s headline with the upcoming IRL event.
5. Check your DMs Daily
Your LinkedIn inbox won’t be as busy as your regular inbox, but given the nature of LinkedIn as a professional presence platform, you may be missing out on inquiries into your product or service if your inbox is left unchecked.
Pro Tip: Layer this habit with opening your Outlook inbox each morning. Level Up: Respond to messages with a created template to save on some time!
Once you become consistent with these habits, you’ll be on your way to building an online presence that attracts leads and opportunities.
Here’s to making 2023 your best year yet, professionally and personally.
P.S.: Are you ready to level up your LinkedIn game and commit to the platform in 2023? Start with the tips inside my LinkedIn Reboot Guide at www.leannecalderwood.com/linkedinreboot.
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