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Mike McAllen’s Best Practices for Starting an Association Podcast

Photo of Mike McCallen standing in front of a brick wall.

Launching an association podcast is a marathon, not a sprint. Building a loyal audience within your association and industry takes time and dedication. Here are some best practices from association podcast pro Mike McAllen to ensure your podcast gets off to a strong start and continues to grow.

[Related: How to Create a Successful Podcast for Your Association]

Set Clear Goals

Define what success looks like for your association podcast. Consider measuring success through:

  • Downloads: Track how many times episodes are downloaded.
  • Listener feedback: Solicit and analyze feedback from your audience.
  • Sponsorship dollars: Evaluate revenue generated from sponsorships.

Topic Research and Selection

Creating relevant and engaging content starts with understanding what your audience wants to hear. Follow these steps to curate your topic list:

  • Internal consultation: Begin with your staff and board members to brainstorm topics.
  • Member feedback: Present the initial list to your members and adjust based on their input.
  • Industry influencers: Get feedback from industry influencers and incorporate their suggestions.
  • Exhibitors’ input: Discuss potential topics with conference exhibitors for further refinement.

By involving these groups, you alert them to the podcast, engage them in its creation and set the stage for future guest appearances and sponsorship opportunities.

[Related: Profile: Mike McAllen]

Leverage Annual Conferences

Utilize your annual conference to create content and secure sponsorships:

  • Podcast sponsorship: Highlight podcast sponsorship opportunities to exhibitors.
  • Live recording: Set up a podcast stage in the exhibit hall and include live recordings in the conference agenda.

Utilize Dynamic Content

Keep your podcast content fresh and relevant by:

  • Updating advertisements: Rotate ads and sponsorship messages as needed.
  • Promoting events and courses: Regularly update listeners on upcoming events and courses.

Engage Your Audience

Audio podcasting is an intimate medium. Consider your audience’s context, as they may be listening while commuting, walking or doing household chores. To deepen engagement:

  • Member wellness and stories: Share stories and content that resonate with members.
  • Solicit feedback: Actively seek comments and questions from listeners and address them on the podcast.

[Related: A Simple, Low-Cost Guide to Creating a Podcast]

Consistency Is Key

Build a listening habit by releasing episodes consistently. Aim to publish episodes on the same day and time each week. Consider doing seasons to give your team a break and let your audience know when you’ll return.

Leverage Social Media

Promote each episode across all social media platforms. Repurpose audio content into various formats for broader reach. Consider creating an audio newsletter to complement your email newsletters and keep your audience engaged.

Track Performance

Use statistics to understand what your members and the industry want. Regularly review performance metrics to guide future content and improve engagement.

By following these best practices, your association podcast can become a valuable tool for member engagement, industry influence and sponsorship revenue. 
Remember, patience and consistency will build a loyal and engaged audience over time.

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About the author
Tyler Davidson | Editor, Vice President & Chief Content Director

Tyler Davidson has covered the travel trade for nearly 30 years. In his current role with Meetings Today, Tyler leads the editorial team on its mission to provide the best meetings content in the industry.