Madison attracts groups with distinctive off-sites Several knockout historic spaces and a botanical garden are among the busiest off-site event venues in Madison.
Local arts are a big draw throughout Eastern Iowa Groups meeting in Eastern Iowa can easily create an inspiring event.
Chicago scores with championship-caliber sports venues If sports team championships are an analogy for anything ... it's that dreams can come true.
The Chicago Suburbs buzz with after-hours diversions Chicago’s suburbs are positively hopping with fun night-time experiences for groups.
Gift Box: Made in Mississippi Following is a lineup of possible gifts for groups meeting throughout Inland Mississippi.
Inland Mississippi adds creative flair to events Planners will find many arts activities throughout the region to inspire a meeting agenda.
Alaska‘s animal kingdom inspires group adventure Both spontaneous and planned encounters with wildlife of land, sea and sky await groups.
Upscale amenities await in Washington, Oregon and Idaho In the Pacific Northwest, planners will find luxury outings to include during the meeting.