IACC CEO Mark Cooper on the Resurgence of the Conference Center Segment

As the leader of the association representing major conference centers in Europe and North America, IACC CEO Mark Cooper is in a unique position to gauge the recovery of the segment, which was hit especially hard by the pandemic.
How is the conference center segment currently faring? How are corporations using these facilities to gather a workforce that in many respects was scattered to the wind, or evaporated, over the last three years? Is the message of sustainability getting through as we face climate change?
[Related Podcast: Why Aren't Sustainability and Net Zero as Important in the U.S. as in Europe?]
Meetings Today touched base with Cooper at IACC's Americas Knowledge Exchange, its renamed annual conference that seeks to strengthen both the bonds of knowledge and integrate an influx of new leaders into the world of that thoroughbred meeting facility, conference centers.
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