How to Protect Yourself From Bed Bugs While Traveling

Bed bugs can be one of the most annoying and difficult pests to handle. They not only infest beds, but also anything made of cloth such as furniture

Bed Bugs

Must-Know Contract Clauses

As we re-enter the in-person meetings environment, meeting and event planners need to educated themselves about the latest contract clauses that


On Location: Contract and Negotiation Tips from PCMA 2014

Tyler Davidson, Joshua L. Grimes, Tyra Hilliard, and Terri Woodin discuss new and existing contract clauses you need to be on the lookout for, at


On Location: Contract and Negotiation Tips from PCMA 2014

Tyler Davidson, Joshua L. Grimes, Tyra Hilliard, and Terri Woodin discuss new and existing contract clauses you need to be on the lookout for, at


20 Meetings Trendsetters Who Stepped Up When Their Industry Needed Them Most

From a global pandemic that decimated the hospitality industry to a police killing that sparked protests and activisim across the nation and the


Dallas NRA Meeting a Flashpoint for Convention Risk

Over 80,000 gun enthusiasts and more than 800 exhibitors will descend on Dallas May 4-6, 2018, for the


Contract Cheat Sheet

Every event contract is unique and so is every contract negotiation. But most groups, most events and most contracts share a few basics. We’re


A Risk Management Checklist to Help Avoid Disaster

Risk management should be at the top of every planning list for meetings. Potential hazards include manmade threats such as terrorism, shootings,


Critical Contract Concerns (On Location Video Broadcast)

The meetings and events industry is constantly evolving, and contract law and negotiation strategies keep pace with the change. From safety and


Critical Contract Concerns (On Location Video Broadcast)

The meetings and events industry is constantly evolving, and contract law and negotiation strategies keep pace with the change. From safety and


Critical Contract Clauses

In the high-stakes world of meeting planning, a watertight contract can make the difference between a seamless experience and a legal nightmare.


Interview With Two Industry Lawyers on Contracts

I reached out to two hospitality industry attorneys—Kelly Franklin Bagnall (KB), who works on the supplier side of our


That's the ball game!

Well, it’s October, and that means Major League Baseball is in the thick of its playoff schedule as teams fight tooth-and-nail, vying for a


When E-avesdropping Tanks Your Meeting

If Mitt Romney loses the presidential election, many think a secretly recorded video that was almost certainly made by a catering staffer at a


Key Notes: Social engineering?

We’ve got some real Social Media star power gracing our cover this month, with the original Apple chief evangelist, Guy Kawasaki, posing for


When E-avesdropping Tanks Your Meeting

More CoverageE-Security Tips for PlannersIf Mitt


Essential 2020 Meetings Trends

Aired January 8, 2020 Presented by Tyler Davidson, Joshua Grimes, Corbin Ball, and Will Curran


‘Do Not Disturb’ Policy Updates Spark Debate

Do you want someone entering your hotel room without your permission? Do hotels even have the right to enforce this? Those are the core questions

Do Not Disturb Sign

10 Legal Pits You Can Avoid

When disputes arise over even the best-laid meeting or event plans, lawyers get summoned to pull people out of the litigation pit. Several of the


10 Legal Pits You Can Avoid

When disputes arise over even the best-laid meeting or event plans, lawyers get summoned to pull people out of the litigation pit. Several of the
