Why You Need to Examine Past Event Data: Meetings in a Minute On the first episode of the relaunched "Meetings in a Minute" video series, Devon Montgomery Pasha shares her tip on why planners need to examine past event data, and why the phrase "That's how we've always done it," doesn't cut it nowadays.
Provide Event Feedback to Your CSM Meeting and event planners should remember to provide a post-event survey to their CSM to help them better do their job.
Make the Chef a Key Events Contact Always make sure to include a meeting facility’s chef as a key part of planning a meeting or event.
CSMs Provide ‘One-Stop’ Service for Events Meeting and event planners can discover a wealth of information about a city’s attractions from a convention services manager, or CSM.
Tap Into CSMs for Event Accessibility Assistance Convention services managers, or CSMs, are a great resource for making events accessible.
Volunteer for an Industry Association When Job Searching A great way to increase your contacts when job searching is to volunteer at an industry association event, such as PCMA Convening
Top tips for working with a CVB for a meeting or event Meetings and events planning veteran and speaker Bonnie Wallsh shares her tips for working with a CVB/DMO.
3 Easy Tips To Fight Jet Lag Travel Balance’s John Ayo offers three easy tips to help business travelers fight jet lag.