You Can Do Hard Things: If You're Not Uncomfortable, You're Not Growing

How can you continue to evolve and grow as an impactful leader? In this episode of the Dare to Interrupt podcast, Amanda Armstrong, senior vice president of brand and community engagement at Encore, shares her perspective on leading vulnerably, making tough decisions and surrounding yourself with a strong support network.

Indie AV Network Rebrands to Reflect Evolution

Rental & Staging Network, a network of 26 independent event audiovisual suppliers, has rebranded to become Event Production Network to reflect its evolution into full-service event content creators.

How AV Tech Upped Its Game During the Pandemic

Last year, AV production companies showcased their ability to be full-scale, virtual content producers with the ingenuity to create memorable experiences for virtual audiences around the world. Here are some standout examples of AV tech ingenuity that stemmed from the COVID-19 pandemic.