A COVID-19 Convention Services Roadmap to Recovery

ESPA’s Paola Bowman, destination services manager for the Arlington CVB, and Jamie Huckleberry, director, event services for Pittsburgh’s David L. Lawrence Convention Center, talk with Meetings Today’s Tyler Davidson about how the convention services manager association’s COVID-19 Services Recovery Roadmap can apply to meeting planners, and of the impact the pandemic has had on event and convention services professionals.

A Look Inside the New CAESARS FORUM and Its First Event

Danielle LeBreck sits down with Caesars Entertainment and ConferenceDirect, who collaborated together to design ConferenceDirect's annual partner meeting at the new CAESARS FORUM in Las Vegas. Listen or read their transcript to learn about their hybrid approach, how F&B was modified and more.

A Hybrid Meetings How-To eHandbook

From simple Zoom meetings to full-blow programs, the meetings world has moved online. Download this free guide to bridging the meetings experience between live and online.

Navigating the New Meetings Landscape eHandbook

To help meeting and event planners find their bearings as they prepare to hold live meetings again, the “Navigating the New Meeting Landscape” eHandbook is filled with resources and critical tips and strategies to keep their attendees safe and protect the financial health of the organizations they plan for.