Resorts Get Creative in Catering to All Generations In 2009, the Harvard Business Review described the fact that “five generations are about to be working side by side."
4 Drive-To Locales Have Groups Revved to Hit the Road The following four regional destinations offer affordable meetings options near major metropolitan areas.
Convention Centers Are Making Bold New Statements Goodbye big-box, bunkeresque venues. Hello green rooftop micro-environments, wellness spaces and hip street-party-scapes.
New Tech Trends—and Fresh Takes on Existing Ones—for 2018 To app or not to app? To use VR or AR? To employ a chatbot or a robot?
New and renovated hotels capitalize on the latest trends Say goodbye to traditional front desks, room keys, bland banquet fare, generic design and bare-bones workout facilities.
Alternative finds in Arizona’s wellspring of wellness Tucson is a natural choice for groups keen on relaxing and rejuvenating.
CVBs realize little can pack a huge punch Amid goliath conventions and tradeshows, meetings industry Davids loom large.
Airport Properties Emphasize Design, Amenities and Venues Hilton Hotels and Resorts today counts 380-plus airport properties worldwide, the most of any hotel company.