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Detroit CVB Launches New Branding Campaign

The Detroit Metro CVB (DMCVB) unveiled its new brand identity Jan. 31: “D. Cars, Culture, Gaming, Music, Sports.”

The new slogan was developed after more than a year of research into the public’s perception of the Motor City and was announced at the bureau’s annual membership meeting at the Detroit Opera House.

“The brand identity resulted from surveys of more than 1,300 visitors and focus groups in five cities that identified Detroit as ‘the American city where cool comes from,’” said Larry Alexander, president and CEO of the DMCVB. “This identity focuses on five strengths that best set us apart from other cities--our auto and music heritage, our distinctive cultural product, Vegas-style gaming, and sports. It offers a tremendous opportunity to also showcase metro Detroit as an attractive place to live and work.”

As part of the campaign, branding strategists and the CVB’s Tourism Economic Development Council (TEDC) found that most survey respondents identified Detroit with its surrounding areas. Therefore, the TEDC developed five distinct districts to help explain and market Detroit’s metro area to visitors: Downtown, Dearborn/Wayne, Macomb, South Oakland, and North Oakland.