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New Orleans’ “State of the City” Report Rosy

The New Orleans Metropolitan CVB (NOMCVB) released a “State of the City” report that paints a positive picture of its meetings and conventions business recovery.

The city’s convention business is strong even after Hurricane Katrina, with 40 percent of business retained in 2006, 70 percent in 2007 and a projected 90 percent of future bookings retained for 2008.

Major meetings are coming back to the Crescent City as well, including the 2007 Meeting Professionals International PEC-NA, which brought 2,600 meeting planners to the city in January.

In addition, the Morial Convention Center recently completed a $60 million renovation and is fully-operational, welcoming a projected 13,000 attendees in February alone.

The vast majority of downtown hotels have reopened, including The Ritz-Carlton, New Orleans and Chateau Sonesta Hotel New Orleans, with the highly anticipated reopening of the Hyatt scheduled for later this year.