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Richer Departs Miss. Gulf Coast CVB

Steve Richer is retiring from his position as executive director of the Mississippi Gulf Coast CVB to do consulting work with the Kansas City, Mo.-based National Tour Association (NTA).

Richer, who was with the Mississippi Gulf Coast CVB for 12 years, will work with NTA Legislative Council and former Nevada Congressman Jim Santini to further the organization’s government relations outreach.

“Having someone of Steve’s renown and broad expertise is nothing but a huge win for the NTA membership, our association and the industry overall,” said NTA Chairman and CEO Randy Julian. “Through NTA’s government and industry relations efforts, the association always focuses on building bridges and bringing together various industry partners to get things accomplished. Steve’s connections and his PR prowess will lead NTA to even more victories, which in the end serve the entire industry.”

NTA's government relations activities include monitoring security issues, as well as state and federal legislation and regulatory issues affecting the travel and tourism industry. NTA maintains full-time representation in Washington, D.C., to serve as the association's voice on Capitol Hill