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Denver Launches Training Program to Serve DNC

In preparation for the Democratic National Convention (DNC), held here Aug. 25-28, the Denver Metro CVB created the largest hospitality training program in the city’s history.

Called “Go the EXTRA Mile,” the program has so far trained over 2,400 people representing more than 500 hotels, restaurants and other hospitality businesses. The program includes customer service tips and interactive skill building exercises.

“From airport TSA executives to taxi drivers, from restaurants to rental cars, we have reached out to every frontline tourism employee who could possibly have contact with a DNC delegate or visiting media and provided them with an intensive hospitality training class,” said Jayne Buck, vice president of tourism for the CVB. “The key point of the training is to make sure all our frontline tourism employees understand the connection between their jobs and creating an overall positive experience for our customers.”

Denver is expecting 50,000 people during the convention, making it the largest event in the city’s history.