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PCMA Launches Corporate Planners Conference


PCMA launched a Global Corporate Summit, an invitation-only event for senior professionals responsible for global corporate planning. The inaugural event, taking place next year, will be held July 22-26 in Glasgow, Scotland.

“PCMA’s corporate planner membership has grown by 67 percent this past year, and it is vital that key corporate planners exchange ideas and learnings on topics that will affect our businesses now and well into the future,” said David Peckinpaugh, CMP, president of Maritz Travel Company.

The agenda will be developed pre-summit through collaborative crowd sourcing among the confirmed participates. Topics already on the table are the fluctuating economy, cultural nuances, globalization, CSR and the optimal structure of meetings department.
"The world is so much smaller now given technology and communication tools – the need for corporate planners to connect on a global level is critical to our success,” said Kati Quigley, director of event marketing, Microsoft Corporation.