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Pittsburgh CC Gets High Green Marks


The Pittsburgh region’s investment in a green convention center is paying off. Consulting firm, evolveEA performed a ground-breaking study to evaluate the David L. Lawrence Convention Center’s (DLCC) operations, marking the first time a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certified building has undergone a comprehensive evaluation for green operations, which has culminated in the facility becoming the first LEED Platinum convention center certified under the Existing Buildings Operations and Maintenance rating system.

“This study illustrates that the DLCC, one of the greenest convention centers in the world, is an excellent example of a building whose smart design leverages efficient operations,” said Christine Mondor, Principal at evolveEA. It is also a great story of what can be achieved by an operations team that looks for constant improvement.”

In 2003, the DLCC became the first LEED Gold Convention Center. Now—evidenced by the more than 50 facilities that have achieved or are pursuing LEED certification--convention centers and event destinations are prioritizing sustainability as they begin to understand the marketing and cost saving implications of sustainable operations.

evolveEA and its team investigated the convention center’s performance, not only as a physical building, but as a functioning organization. To do this, the team benchmarked the DLCC against other convention centers, and provided recommendations to improve operations and leverage marketing opportunities. The study highlighted that over $15 million in DLCC revenues from 2006 to 2011 came from green-seeking events. These same events brought approximately $176 million in direct spending to the Pittsburgh region