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Duo Of Hotels Head for Minnesota Lake


After years in the making, Lake Minnetonka is close to breaking ground next year on the first lake hotel in nearly half a century.

And if architect Neil Weber's hopes become reality, hotels could someday be near the lakeshore in Excelsior, Wayzata and Mound—the three cities with commercial lakefront out of the 14 cities surrounding Lake Minnetonka.

The Excelsior Hotel and one planned in the new Promenade of Wayzata—the renovated Wayzata Bay Center owned by Presbyterian Home Services—will take after the unique towns. The 40,000-square-foot Excelsior Hotel will have 58 guest rooms with 14 room plans, lake views, a top-floor ballroom and a restaurant. The $12 million hotel will be independent, not associated with a national chain. Construction could start in the spring of 2013, with doors opening in late 2013 or early 2014.

Meanwhile, the 60,000-square-foot Wayzata hotel, which has yet to be named, will have 100 guest rooms and will branded as part of a major hotel company, have a pool or spa, and be located farther from the lakeshore. It will have retail space below it and an adjacent larger restaurant.

Courtesy of The Star Tribune