ASAE is launching the first Diversity + Inclusion (D+I) tool for associations, called the Association Inclusion Index, in late April. The index is an online, interactive, multiple choice survey about D+I policies, philosophies, and practices that offers associations strategies and solutions (not scores) for inclusive excellence. It will focus on five key D+I domains in associations, which are: Mission and Focus, Roles and Leadership Accountability, Resources, Operations, and Communication and Culture.
The Association Inclusion Index will launch on April 22.
Until now, association executives and consultants have not had an instrument that captured D+I efforts within the unique context of membership organizations. Without a benchmarking tool specific to the association management context, it is a challenge for CEOs and senior leadership in associations to gauge their current status relative to their peers and to know what D+I policies, practices, and CEO action may lead to more desirable outcomes.
With this index, associations will be able to benchmark their own practices as well as compare them to other organizations, find areas of collaboration, and give future volunteers and sponsors data to direct their time and funds to make a difference in D+I.
ASAE is a membership organization of more than 21,000 association executives and industry partners representing 10,000 organizations. For more information about ASAE, and the new Index, visit www.asaecenter.org.