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Groups Experience the Emmy-Nominated Breaking Bad Series in Albuquerque


With AMC’s Breaking Bad series receiving Emmy Award nominations in several categories earlier this month (including Drama Series, Best Actor (Bryan Cranston), Supporting Actress in a Drama Series (Anna Gunn) and Supporting Actor in a Drama Series (Aaron Paul)), the Albuquerque CVB has stepped up its marketing efforts centered on the show, which is both filmed and set in town.

The series’ popularity has attracted a new audience of visitors to New Mexico, and showcases the state’s unique beauty.

Attendees and tourists alike can visit filming sites and local companies have introduced show-related products and experiences, including Rebel Donuts, Marble Brewery and Bathing Bad, which offers a cooking class where participants create special Breaking Bad bath salts.

The ABQ Trolley Company also offers a popular 3.5 hour filming location “Bad Tour.”