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Florida Lawmakers to Vote on Budget


Florida lawmakers settled on an $82.4 billion budget last Friday, May 5, but they have to return on Monday—three days later than scheduled—to finish the legislative session. At this time it appears that the Florida Legislature agreed on a $25 million budget for Visit Florida, a reduction of $51 million over the previous year.

Visit Florida President and CEO Ken Lawson commented on the proposed budget cut on Friday.

“Because of the Legislature's decision, our ability to assist your business and community, as well as compete against other states to bring visitors to Florida, will be negatively impacted,” Lawson wrote in his weekly email message to the Visit Florida supporters on the battle for funding. “In the next several weeks, we will review and respond to the Legislature's decision and will keep you informed as always.”

House Speaker Richard Corcoran was behind the push for reduced funding to Visit Florida following a controversy that involved paying Miami rapper Pitbull $1 million for a state marketing campaign. Gov. Rick Scott supported Visit Florida throughout the session and even pushed for a $100 million budget.

According to the Orlando Sentinel, “the consistent criticism led by [Gov.] Scott has raised the prospect that he could veto the entire budget, something that hasn’t been done since 1992.”

More information on the Florida Legislature’s final budget is available on the Orlando Sentinel website. Meetings Today will continue to monitor the situation as it develops and provide updates on the website.

UPDATE: The Florida Legislature approved the $82.4 billion budget on Monday evening.