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Juniper Berry, Thyme Beef Filet Mignon

Makes 1, Serves 1


6 oz. beef filet
2.5 oz. olive oil
1 oz. garlic
.5 oz. fresh thyme
2 tbl. kosher salt
2 tbl. course ground pepper
1 oz. juniper berries
½ cup gin
1 qt. brown veal stock
4 oz. sauce espagnole
Gratineed sweet potatoes

Beef Filet Directions

Marinade the beef filet in the oil, thyme, garlic and juniper berries. Set aside in refrigerator overnight, or for a minimum of four hours. Remove the beef filet from marinade and wipe clean of any excess. Season the beef filet with kosher salt and coarsly ground black pepper on both sides. Sear beef on top of the griddle or in a saute pan. Repeat the process on the other side. Place beef on a roasting rack. Temper the beef an hour before final cooking. Fire the beef in a preheated 475-degree oven until the internal temperature is 110 degrees or however desired. Ladle the beef with gin, veal stock and espagnole sauce and serve with gratineed sweet potatoes.