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Government Shutdown Would Cost U.S. Travel Economy $140 Million Per Day

Government Shutdown

*Editors Note: This story has been updated from its initial version published on September 29, 2023 to include more accurate and up-to-date information. Meetings Today is following this developing story closely. Check this page frequently for updates. 

If congress does not pass federal budget by December 21, the government will shut down, potentially costing the U.S. travel economy $140 million per day and over $1 billion per week according to a report released in September 2023 from the U.S. Travel Association. The report also found that the U.S. air travel system would be heavily affected by a government shutdown, potentially affecting travel ahead of the holiday season. 

In the event of a government shutdown, the U.S. air travel system will suffer from flight delays, longer screening lines and further setbacks in modernizing air travel in the U.S., something that many Americans and those in the travel industry have been wanting for decades. According to the report, six out of 10 Americans say they would cancel or avoid air trips in the event of a shutdown, but the looming holiday season might cause further constraints and delays in the industry. The majority of Americans agree that government shutdowns hurt the economy and inconvenience air travelers, businesses and tourist attractions that depend on travel such as national parks, museums and local businesses in popular travel destinations.

“Each day that passes will cost the travel economy $140 million, an unacceptable prospect that Congress must avoid before the clock runs out and the damages mount,” said U.S. Travel Association President and CEO Geoff Freeman in a press release. “The federal government is already failing the traveler—a shutdown would be further proof of Washington’s inability to find reasonable solutions to problems that affect Americans nationwide.”

Read this next: What the Government Shutdown Means for Meetings

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Logan Pratt | Digital Content Coordinator

Logan Pratt joined Meetings Today in May 2023 as digital content coordinator, focusing on digital marketing efforts and covering breaking news stories for the Meetings Today website and newsletters. To send a press release or any information regarding the meetings and events industry please email