Trendsetter Tuesday: Educating and Inspiring Tomorrow's Talent With Heather Spangler

To celebrate our 2024 Meetings Trendsetters, Meetings Today launched "Trendsetter Tuesday," a podcast series of interviews with the 20 Trendsetters recognized in our July/August issue.

Heather Spangler, associate professor and event management certificate coordinator at the University of Iowa, educates and inspires students to become the industry's newest professionals, guaranteeing she helps set the industry up for a successful future. 

In 2015, Spangler founded the University of Iowa’s Event Management Certificate, which draws 250 of the university’s best and brightest students each year. She is dedicated to providing a hands-on program focused on real-world skills and connections. 

Meetings Today's Taylor Smith sat down with this Trendsetter to hear her story and learn more about the creation of the Event Management Certificate program and how Spangler makes it her mission to shape tomorrow's talent. 

[Related: The 2024 Meetings Trendsetters Paving New Paths in the Events Industry]





Editors note: The following transcription was facilitated by AI program and proofed by our editors. Although it is very accurate, there inevitably will be some mistakes, so please consider that when reading. Thank you.

Taylor Smith
Hello, and welcome to this Meetings Today Podcast! I’m Taylor Smith, destinations and features content developer for Meetings Today, and I’m back with another exciting podcast celebrating our Meetings Trendsetters class of 2024.

Every year, Meetings Today selects 20 Trendsetters whose unique contributions to the meetings and events industry make them stand out. Those 20 names were revealed in our July/August issue and online at earlier this summer, and I was so happy to see so many familiar names on this year’s list including the inspirational Heather Spangler, associate professor and event management certificate coordinator at the University of Iowa.

Heather contributes to the meetings and events industry by educating and inspiring students to become the industry’s newest professionals, guaranteeing she helps set the industry up for a successful future.

In 2015, Heather founded the University of Iowa’s Event Management Certificate, which draws 250 of the university’s best and brightest students each year. She is dedicated to providing a hands-on program focused on real-world skills and connections. Students put on real events in their courses, are required to complete an internship and are invited to participate in professional development activities such as attending conferences, field trips to meet with event professionals around the country and more.

This year, Heather even helped make possible a new mentorship program opportunity and partnership between the University of Iowa’s event management certificate program and Meetings Today.

Heather’s contributions to the industry made her the ideal candidate for our 2024 Meetings Trendsetters, and she is here with us today to tell us all about how she got there! Thank you so much for joining me, Heather!

Heather Spangler
Thank you for having me!

Taylor Smith 
So, I want to start by having you introduce yourself to our listeners today and tell us about your history in the meetings industry, as well as your journey founding this event management certificate at the University of Iowa.

Heather Spangler
Yeah, sure. So, I think, like a lot of us, it all started when I was a little kid. I've always been a planner. I've always been the one that, you know, I wanted something to happen for my family vacation, and I would make a poster board presentation to pitch it. And then, you know, growing up, I was always known as the ideas person in my friends group, and so that's just how my mind works. And so, to find an industry where I can let my mind do what it does naturally, and what I enjoy is such a blessing.

My career started in journalism, actually. I was a newspaper reporter at first. I studied journalism at the University of Iowa, and I loved it. I got to be really busy and meet a lot of people and learn a lot of things and stay active. And then I had an opportunity to move into public relations. And so, I took a job where I could still do the writing that I liked to do, but dabble in social media and events. So, this was my first time doing events professionally.

I was the Alumni Relations Director for the College of Education at the University of Iowa, and I got to plan a really wide variety of events for a wide variety of audiences. So, there were, you know, things that we did for students, for retired faculty, for alumni, for different facets of alumni. And so that was a really fun chance for me to try a lot of different things. And I learned how much fun it was to combine a bunch of different skill sets. We were a small team, so I got to do everything from conceptualizing what we should do to creating the marketing plan, putting that out into the world, all the logistics, every single little detail, you know, I got to have my hands on. And so that was a fun process and a fun way to learn.

And while I was doing that, I realized it would be so cool if someone would have taught me how to do what I'm doing. And I started a group of fellow event professionals on the University of Iowa campus, kind of a just a talking group. We got together and talked about what we were working on, and tried to share resources and things like that, and I realized that everybody felt that way. Most people kind of worked their way into their events position without any educational background in events, because there just weren't a lot of programs offering that at the time.

So, while I was doing my alumni relations position, I was also teaching as an adjunct instructor in the journalism school, just one course at a time. And I started teaching just as a one-off course and event workshop. So, I would have students come, and we would get clients, and we would pull off events in the classroom. And it was really kind of wild and fun and exciting to imagine that from start to finish, like, ‘How do I teach people to do this and to do what I'm doing, and hopefully inspire them to love it, so that they can go off and take the skills we had in the classroom and put them to work?’

So that one class turned out to be pretty popular, and from there, I made a pitch that we should create a program that expands that one course. So that's when I pitched the Event Management Certificate. And I was really lucky that I had a supportive administrator who was interested in the idea and helped champion it, and we got it approved, and it launched in 2015 like you said. So that's kind of how we got, how we all got started.

Taylor Smith
I think it's so cool that you also started in journalism, because obviously that's what I studied, too. And it was, you know, kind of similar for me, in that I'm still doing journalism, obviously, but I didn't learn about business events, and I had no idea when I got my role, like, what I was getting into, or, you know, it's such a huge industry, and you hear all the time that people fall into it all the time because we don't do enough in, I think, in schools, to reach students when they're, you know, choosing what career path to follow, and tell them, ‘Hey, this is an option, event management’ and things like that. So, you know, I admire that you saw that opportunity and created it. Because now, I mean, like we said, it brings 250 students into it.

So, in the past almost 10 years now, since it started, what has the program turned into and some accomplishments that that you've celebrated, and where have those students ended up, and things like that?

Heather Spangler
It’s been such a fun experience to get to kind of dream up the program and then watch it come to life and flourish. I feel really lucky to be able to do that.

So, when we started in 2015, we did kind of have to explain that this is a thing. We had to kind of do some convincing that this is an academic pursuit, and that people will sign up for this and people want to do it. And it was, you know, it's easy to prove that there are a lot of professional opportunities, and it was also easy to prove that students were interested in them. So, once we kind of got those things on paper and were able to pitch our story, we really took off pretty easily.

We had a goal, initially of having 100 students within five years, and that felt, you know, a little lofty, kind of exciting, and then it just exploded. Within the first semester, the classes that we were offering were overfilled, and I had to reach out to a friend and that I knew who’s incredible and would be a great teacher, and say, ‘Great news. I have an opportunity for you.’ So, I immediately brought on my colleague, Tracy Hufford, who is just kind of the heart and soul of the program as well. She's really special. And so, the two of us built a program that, you know, within a semester, we hit that, that number’s goal, and then from there, we grew pretty much right away to the 200-250 number of students, which, to be honest, is only because we can't offer more seats. They're just so many courses that we can offer as a small team, and so I don't know how big we could be if we decided to just go for it and take anybody you know, obviously we welcome all students.

Something that I think is really fun about our program is that since it's a certificate, it's something that students are layering on top of another major. So, they come to us from usually about 25 different majors around campus, and so that makes for such interesting conversations in the classroom and such neat collaborations between students. You know, we might have a theater major, and we might have a finance major working together on a team, and to see them both shine, and to see them both kind of enhance each other's skills and strengths is really a cool thing, and that happens in the industry too. So, it's fun to see that happen in the classroom.

And as far as some of the accomplishments, I think our students are our biggest accomplishment. We have incredible people. I always tell people we have the best students, because it's 100% true. You know, they like a lot of event professionals, they have a really special combination of ambition but collaboration and like, attention to detail, but creativity, and so they just have these really special minds and personalities, and we get to do things that we want to do together. You know, they're getting the certificate because they want it, not because it's required of them. So, we're all there, and we're excited.

We do a lot of projects in class with real clients. So, we put on real events, and it's always really fun to watch that trajectory in the classroom. You know, the first day I present the projects, and they feel pretty big and they feel pretty messy and they're not so sure. And then they meet their team, and they don't know these people. They're not sure they can trust each other. And then by the end, you know, we have people who end up in each other's weddings and roommates, and, you know, they form really close bonds, and they accomplish really impressive things. And so, it's fun for me to be able to be there and to watch that happen, and I love the community that we build through that shared experience.

And then they do go on to have really cool jobs, and it's really, really special to watch where they go and what they do. And since they come to us from all over campus, they end up all over the industry too. You know, we have people working for the NBA and IRONMAN and, you know, lots of athletic things happening. We have a strong partnership with our sports and recreation management program. And then we have students who are doing politics and nonprofits and corporate. They're everywhere.

One thing we do every semester is an internship, networking fair, and we invite about 10 to 15 different employers to come and kind of meet their future interns. And my favorite thing is, within the last couple of years, those employers have primarily been our alumni at this point. So, it used to be, you know, that we were kind of cold calling companies that we knew we could help and meeting new people. And then now we get to welcome home our alumni who have taken over those leadership positions all across the industry in the community. It's really special.

Taylor Smith
I love that, like you said, the students come from all different backgrounds, because there is so much potential in this industry for you know, whether you're in theater, like you said, or marketing or finance, all of those skills are needed in roles all throughout this industry. And it's such a big industry with so many opportunities that there is room for people of all different backgrounds to find their place here. So I love that it's, it is something that you could add on top of, like I said, I studied journalism, but it's something I could have added on top of my major and had this extra, you know, kind of education and certification to open up even more doors and opportunities for me in the industry, and then the connections you form. I mean, this industry is all about bringing people together, so the fact that alumni are coming back and helping these students out, I think that's so special.

Heather Spangler
It is really cool. Something I always tell my students is that I'm going to give them a skill set. I'm going to help them build a skill set that they can apply however makes sense for them, whatever they're excited about. So, if they have a passion, we're going to layer this professional skill set on top of that passion. So, they love sports, they love theater, they love art they love, you know, helping people, whatever they love, we're going to find a way for them to do what they love professionally, which is so rewarding. And I love to be part of that and help the students find those opportunities.

Taylor Smith
And another way you are doing that is through a new, exciting opportunity for those students to take advantage of thanks to a partnership that you helped make possible between the University of Iowa's event certificate program and Meetings Today. So, can you tell us more about that mentorship opportunity that started this year?

Heather Spangler
Yeah, we are so excited and so thankful for this. So, I would love to talk about it.

Taylor Smith
We're excited too!

Heather Spangler
So Jessica-Leigh, who works for Meetings Today, was one of my former students way back in the day, I think before I was even teaching an events class. I think I taught a writing class that she was in, and we've stayed in touch over the years, and I followed her career, and we got together for brunch, and we just hatched this plan. She really came with the bulk of it, and I just was saying, ‘Yes, yes, we want to do this!’

So, what we've been able to do is we've put out the opportunity to our kind of graduating or senior students that are interested in a career in meetings to attend a Meetings Today LIVE! event. So, we had students apply, you know, our best and brightest, among these best and brightest students at the whole university, I really believe, stepped up and said that they were interested in doing this. And then we hand selected students that were the best fit for the opportunity.

So, each Meetings Today LIVE! event that happens, we get to send one representative from our certificate there, and they get a really cool kind of 360 view of that event. They get to be on the ground with your team to see how you're putting on this an event of this caliber. And then they also get to meet all of the meeting professionals that are there experiencing it as well. So that's such an incredible opportunity for those students, that networking that they can do and the ability to see a really high-quality event and how it's working behind the scenes is exceptional. And we're so grateful.

Taylor Smith
I’ve heard great feedback, both from students and the Meetings Today team, about the experiences and how rewarding it's been for all of us, you know, to be able to give back to tomorrow's talent, but also to see how inspired they are by attending one of our LIVE! events. And I'm really looking forward to our next two in Orlando and in the Bahamas, because I get to attend those.

I think in Orlando too, we're saying at the Evermore Resort, and there are suites there, so there's, like, three or four rooms per, you know, like accommodation. And I might have the opportunity to share with the mentee this time. So, yay to new friends.

And, you know, I've just, I think that we need more opportunities like this, and more partnerships like this, and more, you know, universities and even high schools that are giving students the opportunity to learn about the business events industry before—I don't want to say before it's too late, but before they're in their careers and realize, ‘Hey, this exists, and this is cool. And how do I get involved?’ Because one thing that I know our industry is struggling with is attracting and retaining young talent, and that starts in the classroom.

Heather Spangler
Yeah, and, you know, we see so many students who are interested in those careers in our classroom, and so for them to be able to make connections, to pull that off and to like, achieve those career goals is really, really wonderful.

Taylor Smith
So, switching gears a little bit. I want to talk about trendsetters, obviously, because you're one of our trendsetters this year. And you know, trendsetters is a common term that we hear in the industry a lot, including by us here at Meetings Today. But  in your own words, how would you define a meetings industry trendsetter, and what are some of those must-have trendsetting qualities that people possess?

Heather Spangler
Okay, well, first, I just want to say I was so grateful to be selected. That was such a such a wonderful surprise. And also, as someone who spends all of my time with 20-year-olds in my 40s, it's very humbling to consider myself a trendsetter, because they know that's not true. I mean, in terms of, you know, keeping up with the times, I'm definitely not setting trends in my classroom, but I think in the industry, at least from my perspective, I think maybe one of the reasons I was selected is that I'm always learning, and I'm always trying to stay connected with other people and see what they're excited about and how I can bring that home.

So, you know, we try to keep our curriculum really nimble. We have a course called topics and event management, and that topic changes every semester. And so really semester by semester, we have a course called “Topics in Event Management,” and we get to choose what that topic is. It changes every semester. So, one semester in advance, we're thinking about, you know, what's happening in the industry right now? What do our students need to know? What should they be leaders in when they leave the university? And so, you know, when the pandemic hit, we were able to do virtual events class, and we were offering that over Zoom. We're doing an AI class in the spring. And so, we really are able to kind of stay nimble, and I think allow our students to be trendsetters. When they enter the industry, they're kind of staying up on things. So, I think that's one way that we try to embody that mindset within our program.

Taylor Smith
And I would say that is totally studying trends. I mean changing the topic every semester based on what's currently relevant and happening in our industry, that is the definition of a trendsetter, staying on top of what matters, like AI. I mean, that's something that you know, last year we weren't talking about as often. So, you're on top of it.

Heather Spangler 
Thanks, Taylor.

Taylor Smith 
I know you mentioned this already, but what was your initial reaction to finding out you were Meetings Today Trendsetter, and what was that like for you?

Heather Spangler
Oh, I was so surprised. I was really, truly humbled. I, you know, just kind of do my thing, and so it's fun to get to be a part of such an impressive group of people and to learn about what the other 20 or 19, I guess, were up to, and what they were doing, and it felt like such a huge honor to be placed among them.

Taylor Smith
Well, we knew we wanted to celebrate you after everything you made possible for the University of Iowa students in our Meetings Today LIVE! program. It's just something that, even in like with my column, “The Z,” that I write, like we want to see and uplift tomorrow's talent as much as we can, and you are definitely doing that. So thank you for all you do.

Heather Spangler
It's my pleasure.

Taylor Smith
How do you hope to continue motivating and inspiring the industry and students through your work?

Heather Spangler
I think one of the best ways that I can do that is just to…let me think about that for a second. Sorry, I was starting to answer in my mind. So, I think one thing that we do well in our program is we build a community, and so we know our students. Our students know us, they know each other, and it's really kind of a caring, supportive environment, and then they can take that with them and go further, I think, when they graduate and when they're looking to start their career, when they're looking to make a move later, we have this network of people who really understand and care about each other, and so I think that strengthens the industry.

Taylor Smith
Yep, and then they come back to help the students out, too.

Heather Spangler
They always come back. We have them visit as guest speakers, or we see them on our field trips. We go and see what their work environment is like. So, we do try to stay connected. And I think that helps.

Taylor Smith
I have an industry friend and colleague who says, ‘Your network is your net worth,’ and I think that's so true, especially in this industry. And I think your event management certificate embodies that very well.

What inspires you to stay motivated and keep, you know, inspiring yourself and doing the work that you do?

Heather Spangler
First of all, I'm a nerd, so I just like to be in school, which is why I'm here. And I like to learn, and I like to read about what other people are doing. So, I think just having that natural curiosity and that natural kind of drive to stay connected and to continue learning, not to decide that I know what's going on or that I know it all, and I'll just kind of rest on that as helpful.

But also, I never want to let my students down. I always want to make sure they have the best experience that they can have, and that they really are ready. You know, when we send our interns out into the world, I want them to be the best intern, and I want them to have the best experience, because they feel really prepared. And so, it's kind of a full-circle view of, how can I make sure these students are prepared for what they're about to encounter, and how can I make sure that they are treated well and that they're learning what they need to learn from that next level experience too. So I think the students inspire me to keep going.

Taylor Smith
I love that. And as a learner too, I understand, like, if I could still be in school, I think I would. I mean, I guess I technically can. But you know, it makes sense that you are a journalism major too, because it's all about that curiosity, right? And just wanting to know everything. So, I totally relate to you there.

Heather Spangler
Yeah, and there are so many transferable skills between journalism and events, people skills and organizational skills, communication, deadlines, marketing.

Taylor Smith 
So, my last question for you today is, what is one piece of advice you'd give to others in the industry who are looking to become trendsetters themselves, or maybe help tomorrow's talent out in their career journeys?

Heather Spangler
I think it would be to be supportive of the people around you and to try to build the community that you want to be part of. And I think good things happen naturally when you're doing that.

Taylor Smith
Well, Heather, those were all my questions for you today. Did you have anything else you wanted to add or talk about before we wrap up?

Heather Spangler
Just thank you again and go Hawkeyes!

Taylor Smith
That was Heather Spangler, associate professor and event management certificate coordinator at the University of Iowa and one of our 2024 Meetings Trendsetters. Once again, I’m Taylor Smith, destinations and features content developer for Meetings Today, and I want to thank you all for joining us for this special Meetings Today podcast. If you are interested in listening to more Meetings Today podcasts, visit us at, and thank you again for listening.

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About the author
Taylor Smith | Content Developer, Destinations and Features

Taylor Smith joined Stamats in May 2022 as a content developer, destinations and features for Meetings Today. Smith has experience covering everything from travel to breaking news and graduated from Ball State University with a bachelor’s degree in news and magazine journalism. Previously, she’s written for St. Louis Magazine and worked as an editorial assistant and apprentice for Aubree Nichols, who has been published in premier publications such as The New York TimesELLE and The Los Angeles Times.