IMEX Hosts a Somber, Resilient Vegas Presser Meetings industry leaders gathered at Las Vegas' IMEX America to express hope for the destination's future.
Hospitality Industry Ballot Measures to Keep an Eye On Joan Eisenstodt details November 2016 ballot measures that will impact the hospitality industry.
Q&A About Meetings Industry Associations Meeting professionals Sekeno Aldred, Charles Chan Massey and Jean Riley discuss their histories and hopes for industry associations.
SPIN Eliminates Member Fees for 2016 Senior-planner association eliminates membership and event fees for 2016.
How to Avert a Networking Trainwreck Experts share their tips for successful networking at business meetings and events.
MPI Announces Future WEC Dates Meeting Professionals International announced the dates of its upcoming WEC, or World Education Congress, annual events.
MPI Launches New Education Programs Meeting Professionals International launched a number of new education initiatives at its 2015 World Education Congress in San Francisco.
ASAE's Springtime Expo Smells the Roses ASAE's annual Springtime Expo showcases a rebounding meetings and incentives industry.