Career Tips

How to Battle the COVID-19 Career Blues

Business development speaker, author and futurist Scott Steinberg offers tips on how meeting and event planners, and others, can future-proof their careers during the current COVID-19 pandemic downturn.

Follow the Basics When Planning and Holding Meetings

Whether it’s an internal executive committee meeting at your office or an annual sales meeting for 1,000 people, there must be a plan in place to make it a positive, collaborative experience for all attendees. It must be a plan that will keep attendees engaged, motivated and provide an ROI for their time spent in the meeting.

Writing the Perfect Thank You Note

Most people fail at writing thank you notes, meaning they don’t send them. Others, when they do mail one in, provide a lackluster “Thank you for interviewing me” script.

Finding Inspiration on the Job

Things leveling off and you are feeling humdrum? Does it seem like a boring routine now? This is a perfect time to innovate.