POMONA, Calif.
In perhaps a sign of current adult education trends, the annual Tradeshow for Meeting Professionals International Southern California Chapter is receiving a complete makeover. Slated to presented as The Education Conference (or EdCon), the new event will offer training in a dynamic new format. EdCon will take place on Tues., March 27 at the new Sheraton Fairplex Hotel & Conference Center.
With an emphasis on education and a space to create and strengthen connections with industry colleagues, EdCon’s new format will offer programming and networking centering around three areas of return (or as MPI is calling it, “the ROC in Roc On!”
“Return On Connections” will include presenters on topics meant to give professionals an edge; shorter session times and longer breaks, to stimulate the brain and networking; and new information and time to consider how to use what has been learned.
“Return On Collaboration” focuses on interaction with industry experts during education sessions and networking times; access to a private social networking platform, to schedule appointments with colleagues and vendors; and time between education sessions and during meal times to facilitate meetings.
Meanwhile, the event will also offer “Return On Commitment,” according to MPI. This means a full-day of “unique, top-notch and timely education,” supplier hosted planners at luncheon tables, and unique VIP lounges at the event’s reception.