Kissimmee, Fla., shines with nature-based outings

Set at the doorstep of tourism powerhouse Walt Disney World, one could be forgiven for thinking Kissimmee, Fla., was a one-trick mouse, but this


Pennsylvania CVB Information (2015)

Philadelphia CVB 215.636.3300Valley


Latest & Greatest - Pennsylvania


Philadelphia, Valley Forge and Montgomery County hold entertaining diversions

True to his Quaker sensibilities, William Penn, founder of Pennsylvania and Philadelphia, was a serious and sober fellow. The same cannot be said for


Seven top settings for pharma/medical functions

Medical meetings today are difficult to diagnose. Austerity is in, and new restrictions on gifts and sponsorship—as well as increased


Prompting posts is now ‘socially acceptable’

Remember when keynote speakers and moderators were perturbed to see people texting, tweeting or posting during their presentation?Now, in most


San Diego CVB Information (2015)

San Diego Tourism Authority 619.232.3101 More Coverage


Latest & Greatest Eastern Iowa (Feb. 2015)

Cedar Rapids Veterans Memorial Building opened to the public in spring


Eastern Iowa CVB Information (2015)

Cedar Rapids Area CVB 319.398.5009


On the Scene: Rancho Bernardo Inn, San Diego

The stress is building. I am scheduled to partake of a special Vino and Vinyasa wine and yoga class at Rancho Bernardo Inn north of San Diego, but my


San Diego's Happenin’ Hot Spots

San Diego is ramping up its meetings offerings with a number of new hotels and renovations, as well as a new program targeting the city’s


Eastern Iowa is business-ready, with extra off-session pursuits

Mingling work and play in Eastern Iowa’s group-friendly destinations is a cinch for planners, as the region is filled with world-class


San Diego’s array of heritage stops are group magnets

San Diego’s consistent warm weather and coastal setting translate to a plethora of outdoor group options, taking advantage of 70 miles of


Oklahoma CVB Information (2015)

Norman CVB 405.366.8095More Coverage


Q&A with Bart Conner, American gymnast

This University of Okalahoma graduate is the only American gymnast to win gold medals at every level of competition.What are


Monterey/Santa Cruz CVB Information (2015)

Carmel-by-the-Sea 831.704.6317More Coverage


Oklahoma gets groups in the sporting spirit

Few destinations do a kick-off event better than the Sooner State, at the meeting venue, in hospitality—and on the gridiron and other arenas of


Latest & Greatest Monterey/Santa Cruz (Feb. 2015)

Monterey Hilton Garden Inn Monterey recently remodeled its


Chicagoland CVB Information (2015)

Aurora Area CVB 630.256.3190More Coverage


Chicagoland brims with one-of-a-kind venues

Big-city suburbs sometimes get a bad rap as bland, cookie-cutter places lacking a center or character. While Chicago’s suburbs do have some
